So I'm still trying to figure out how this entire blog thing actually works. Once I accomplish that then I can actually get to writing something meaningful on here.....if anything on here is ever really meaningful.
So I got home from camp last night and I have to go back tomorrow for 6pm. It seems like such a short period of time but I'm already missing it. I was not prepared for what I was coming home to after the five weeks I just finished. And it took me just one day of returning home to actually recognize just how much good being up north for the summer is doing for me. I feel horrible for saying what I'm about to say and I hope nobody judges me for it but here it goes anyway. Two months ago when I was working at the home depot and living in the basement, there were so many days where I feared getting out of bed. There were more times than normal where I did not want to face another day. I was so unhappy. And everyone around me noticed it while I sat there and denied it. I denied it because I thought that I was happy. Somewhat happy anyway. Until I moved away.
Moving away is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I say it all the time and I'll keep on saying it. CAMP IS GREAT. I work from 745am until about 10pm everyday and I'm on call all the time. And every morning when my alarm goes at 715am I have no hesitation when getting out of bed. I have no negative thoughts about what the day is going to be like. I actually look forward to it. I have never been so dedicated to something in my life. But this I am. I run the health center and it is very stressful for me at times, but I still love it so much.
Because of this change, I have finally had the opportunity to eliminate all the bad things in my life that were bringing me down and focus on the positive things that are going to help me live a healthy life.
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