A good friend of mine recently tried to give me some advice and started by telling me this quote "It's your life...it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go of...". I thought this was kind of interesting considering the relevancy of it to my life these past couple weeks. And because of it, im urged to become completely skeptical of this so called quote she likes to go by.
I would like to think that you can have total control of the people in your life, but i don't think it's always the case. How can you possibly decide who you let walk away? I can say from personal experience that I've had people in my life who have walked away when with every part of me I wanted them to stay. So whoever said that is full of shit.
Anyways, on another note I just want to say how much a pain in the ass packing can be. I've been doing quite a bit of it lately and you never do realize how much crap you own until you're going through every last bit of it. I am one of those people who has a lot of crap. Useless crap. I've just packed three huge boxes of wolf ornaments. Nothing useful...just pretty. But I'm pretty close to being all packed up. Life dealt me a pretty crappy hand this year. And yeah I know I have to take responsibility for most of it. But I'm hoping I can change that and make the best of what I've got. This Sunday I'm taking all my boxes filled with all my goodies and putting them in a dark basement at my dad's house. Then I'm going to take my bag of clothes and my bookshelf and move that into my mom's basement. It's not the greatest arrangement, but it's the only arrangement. So I can't be picky, I must take what I am offered. With that said, my dad has offered me a car. I was shocked when he gave me that news, and only because certain people who live with him like to spend all the riches he has. It drives me insane but I've learned to not expect much of anything from anybody anymore.
I just keep thinking, in 8 months everything is going to be different, and in 12 months I'll be on the other side of the world.
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