So it's been forever and a day since I've been able to get to a computer that actually has hi speed and works properly. From this point in time I have less then two weeks at camp and I'll be back at home. Not quite sure where home is going to be at this point but that will all be figured out soon. I've had a lot of time to think over the past two months about what I want out of life. Afterall, I am graduating in 8 months and from that moment on my life will become much different. There will be new goals that I make for myself and new challenges that need to be faced. I've started to think about some of those things and this is what I've come up with.
Having fun is always a good thing. I've learned that this summer. I've worked my ass off this summer but it has been fun. The cracker eating competition at the lunch table between me and the waterfront director was fun....i lost but it was fun (who can eat 5 soda crackers in 1 minute
?). Eating a McChicken sandwich at 11pm at night on the docks with some friends is fun. Having your friend text a hot hockey player without you knowing and receiving midnight phonecalls from him is VERY fun! Hmmm, what else.... trying to wakeboard and not being able to move the next day or the day after is not so fun, but it's memorable. Blobbing people off the water trampoline during the sunset is pretty fun too. Having a bunch of friends come into the health center after hours to play doctor and run a hair salon is quite fun and interesting too. All these memories of camp are awesome and I will never forget them, but the summer is almost over and it's time to move back into reality and think about what it is i want to do with my life. So here it is....these are the next goals I have for my life.
The first goal is to finish my undergraduate degree and become a nurse. For the next 8 months I'm going to dedicate "almost" every moment of my time to my courses and practice so that I can graduate. When I graduate I'm going to work. I want to work in oncology and I'd be so happy if it were at Sick Kids or PMH. Once I work for a year or two I'd like to go back to school so I can be a nurse practitioner. Once I've accomplished that my career will pretty much be set.
My second goal is to have a family. I've decided this summer that I'm tired of messing around. I don't want to use people and I definitely do not want to be used anymore. I want to have a relationship with someone and eventually have the whole family thing. I want to move to a house on the lake where I can be happy with people I love and who love me back. And of course there would have to be pets.....lots of them.
I think reaching these particular goals is going to be challenging. And I say this for so many reasons. I have lots of things to overcome but I think if I put my mind to it I can do it. Anything or anyone that's gets in the way of this will have to be "eliminated" i guess. When there's something you want, all the world conspires in letting you get it. I'm not going to let that happen with me....not this time....